Stolen ideas, plotholes and politics in TNS
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Ross Cullum-Hughes
19 years ago
"The premise for "Scar" was stolen from a Space Above and Beyond episode
"The Angriest Angel" in this one, the human pilots being killed by what
the Marines nicknamed "Chiggy von Richtofen".
Ron Moore has upgraded this one with the memory of the Robotic Cylon
pilots also rebooting with the memories of the ones killed by Colonials.
Substance abuse is prevalent in "Scar" stimulants and booze, both are
widespread and legal. "Kat" had been abusing 'stems', Starbuck has
suddenly become a serious alcoholic.
Starbuck also gets close to Lee Adama, but in an over aggressive rough
foreplay turns him off. I wonder if she will still have her booze
problem in future episodes?
This show is over rated, if this show wasn't so blatantly anti Iraqi
War, Rolling Stone, NYTimes, Time, etcetera would have given it the time
of day.
Stargate SG1 bumped up a .point Stargate Atlantis was static but
Battlestar Galactica continues to decline in the ratings"

What idea ISN'T "stolen" from some previous source? As the body of works
in media increases, the charge of plagiarism is ever more valid. Is it
enforceable? Or can it be said to be "inspiration"? The spate of remakes
in film is a symptom of this dilemma. Authors are afraid to bringing out
similar ideas for fear of being sued for copyright violations and
plagiarism. BSG itself is a reimagining of an idea and is now a far
different show than the original. Besides, there are only so many
stories you can tell within a certain idiom, and if similarity to other
stories comes up, they should just call it inspiration and praise the
original source for its ingenuity and leave it at that.
Billy Crabs
19 years ago
You are operating on a whole other level, aren't ya? You're one way out
cosmic kat. ROCK ON!
Wavy G
19 years ago
The results are in...Ross Cullum-Hughes, you are NOT the father!
Who the hell are you, anyway?
